The change you seek starts now. You’re invited to join us for the most transformational year of your life.

A One-of-a-Kind Training

Interchange is a Coaching and Counseling Training Program that offers a unique opportunity to work on yourself while you learn to skillfully support others.

It’s an optimal learning environment and growth incubator for change-makers like you.

Whether you come to Interchange to create a professional coaching career, or just to heal yourself and be of deeper service to everyone around you, you will find that the skills you learn and the work you do will serve you in all areas of your life.

If you’re looking for a year of personal transformation and the tools to have a life changing impact on anyone you meet, you’ve come to the right place.


Who You Are

You want to make a difference for the people around you.

You want to heal old hurts, develop new capacities, and get free from the things that limit you.

You know, or at least suspect, you could have more of an impact on the world than you currently do.

You are someone that others are drawn to for counsel, guidance, support.

Whether you want to become a professional counselor or not, you know that you want to help people change, live lives they love, and to reduce suffering.

You desire deeper relationships, and a tribe of like-minded people capable of supporting you as you support them.

You want to break through what holds you back, and bring more of your whole, authentic self to the world.

You feel like you’re on the verge of some big changes in your life.


Get Ready For Your Life to Change


Over the course of 10 months together, we’re going to teach you a kind of superpower.

It’ll give you the ability to be able to really see people, and to understand why they do the things they do. It’ll give you the ability to help people suffer less, to enjoy life more, to become more whole and capable and powerful and free.

That superpower is called counseling.

In a supportive community container, we’ll dive deep into the ways we wish to change our own lives. We’ll use our work on ourselves as the training ground for learning how to transform others.  You’ll learn how to heal old hurts, how to develop new resources, how to break free from limiting conditioning, and how to step more fully into your leadership.

We undertake this process for our own healing, growth and freedom, but also to bring these much needed gifts to others.


Change Yourself. Change the World.

At Interchange, you’ll learn to offer presence and support that creates a lasting impact on those around you.

You’ll develop the skills to change lives everywhere you go.

Maybe you’ll bring these skills into a career as a professional coach or counselor. Maybe you’ll bring these skills out to your communities, your friendships and your family.

Either way, the ripple effect you create when you learn how to counsel is enormous.

You change lives, and the lives you change go on to change others. What you learn at Interchange doesn’t end with you. It radiates outward, bringing healing and growth to all those you touch.

We invite you to join us in changing the world.

Welcome to Interchange.
Interchange 2105-2106



What Makes Interchange Different?

Learn By Doing

At Interchange we don’t just teach you the theories, we teach you what to do with them. You’ll practice the art forms of relating, presence, empathy, improvisation, and leadership. By the time you graduate, you’ll have the confidence to go out and be a counselor in the world.

Personal Growth

Within a supportive community container you will begin the work of healing old hurts, getting free from limiting beliefs, and gaining new resources. You'll be counseled by many different people, each with something unique to offer you. You'll end up transformed.


Your fellow Interchange students will become the kind of community you’ve always been looking for. The people you meet on the first day of class will become the people who change your life. You’ll take them (and our whole alumni network) with you when you graduate.

Business Training

If you want to make this calling your life’s work, we’re here to give you the tools to succeed. We'll teach you everything you need to start a practice as a life coach or counselor. As a graduate, you’ll get lifetime access to our Business & Marketing training. You can retake it anytime.

Ninja Skills

Over the year at Interchange, you'll learn not just one, but many different approaches to counseling. You’ll become a counseling ninja, armed with a multitude of techniques, methods, and entire paradigms you can draw from whenever someone needs a hand.

Your Unique Style

Integrating the approaches we teach at Interchange will make you a good counselor. Synthesizing your own approach, based on your unique abilities, will make you an excellent one. We help you take the best of what you've learned and offer it in a way that is authentically you.


  • Testimonial

    Interchange is more than a training; it is a 10-month personal growth workshop and counseling training all in one.

    An added bonus is developing community and lasting friendships with a diverse group of amazing people who I've gotten to know from the inside out, who relate to each other authentically, intimately, and with a strong sense of purpose and conviction to make this world a better place for themselves and others.
  • Testimonial

    There are so many different life experiences represented and it doesn't matter where you are at, there's something for you.

     One of the things that is so unique about this training is that it's not just designed for people who are purely interested in becoming professional counselors and it's not just designed for people who are purely interested in doing interpersonal work and learning about themselves.There's something for everyone and one of the things that I really like is that it attracts people from all different walks of life. Amani Dunham, PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER

The Core Curriculum

Course Format

Interchange’s Coaching and Counseling Training is taught by Steve Bearman, Ph.D. and supported by a leadership team of skilled Facilitators, Assistants, and Allies, all of whom are Interchange Graduates.

The core training takes place over 10 intensive weekends at our San Francisco campus located on Treasure Island. Classes begin at 8:30 am and go until 6:30 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The Advanced Track extra day of training takes place on the Mondays following the Interchange weekend from 10:30 am until 6:00 pm. Interchange weekends are a rich mix of lectures, discussions, experiential exercises, counseling demonstrations, group activities and opportunities to practice counseling with coaching and feedback.

Explore the 10 Training Weekends

Over the course of the year, you will be immersed in one approach to counseling after another, learning the most effective theories, modalities, and counseling techniques out there.

You’ll dive deep into each, understanding the approach through theory presentation, experiential exercises, counseling demonstrations, group discussions, dyad work, and more.  Then you’ll practice experimenting with the different systems through counseling sessions with your fellow students both during and between the training weekends.

Each weekend we will explore a different aspect of counseling and personal growth. Below are brief descriptions of each weekend, key concepts, and a list of optional readings. Books highlighted in this color, as well as all of the Short Readings are provided free to students.

  • Weekend 1 – Presence 

    We will begin by getting to know each other, creating community, and setting intentions for the training. To help create context, we will examine the questions of what counseling is and what it’s for. We will then establish “being” as the ground from which all counseling is done and from which any technique is applied.

    How well are you actually able to see other people – do you see them, or just a projection? How well are you actually able to show yourself – do you show yourself, or just a performance? This will be an opportunity to transcend projection and performance, to really see each other and to really show yourself. Some time will be devoted to several “skills” related to being, including listening, unconditional positive regard, mirroring, distinguishing observation from interpretation, paying attention to what matters, accepting what is, creating a container, and providing permission.

    Key Concepts
    Being, Context, Attention, Mirroring, Acceptance, Permission, Unconditional Positive Regard
    Reading List

    Suggested Books:
    The Gift of Therapy: An Open Letter to a New Generation of Therapists and Their Patients, by Irvin D. Yalom (easy book, one of the best counseling books, distilled wisdom from one of the best writers in the field; the first half is most relevant to our topic; well worth reading at any point during the training
    The Holy Man, by Susan Trott (a short novel)
    Being Peace, by Thich Nhat Hanh (easy, beautiful book)
    Short Reading:
    Teaching Therapists How To Be With Their Clients, by Diane Shainberg, from Awakening the Heart, edited by John Welwood (an easy, short article, right on target for our topic)
    Suggested Movie:
    Mumford (about a therapist who prioritizes being over technique)
    Additional Books:
    Toward a Psychology of Being, by Abraham Maslow (more challenging book, about doing humanistic psychology without the belief that there’s anything wrong with people)
    There is Nothing Wrong With You, by Cheri Huber (an easy, short book about self-acceptance; has the subtitle “going beyond self-hate”, which is too narrow, but the subject matter of the book is not as narrow as the subtitle)

  • Weekend 2 – The Stories We Tell 

    Who are you? What is your life for? We answer these questions, live our lives, and construct our identities through stories. The stories we tell, what we choose to include and exclude in our narrative, creates our experience of life.  The stories we tell may be obsolete or current, limiting or empowering.  When we change the narrative we are telling, we change the experience we’re having.

    We will have an opportunity to tell our life stories, to become better allies for each other by understanding how other people understand themselves, and to facilitate change by assisting each other in changing the nature of these stories.  We’ll investigate how we organize our experience of ourselves and the world and how the way we organize our experience produces our “problems”. You’ll learn how to help people re-organize their experience in order to create change in their lives.

    On a practical level, you will learn how to generate empowering conversations, how to go beyond giving advice, how to increase people’s options for understanding their lives, and you’ll learn about the power of ideas and the nature of memory.

    Key Concepts
    Interpretation, Model, Meta-Framework, Narrative, Life Story, Re-Authoring, Anti-Advice 
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    Replay, by Ken Grimwood (an easy novel)
    Narrative Therapy: Responding to Your Questions, by Shona Russell and Maggie Carey (though this book does not provide an introductory overview of narrative therapy, it offers clear and simple explanations of narrative therapy techniques)
    Narrative Therapy, by Martin Payne (somewhat challenging book, though an easier introduction than Epson and White, the originators of Narrative Therapy, provide)
    Short Readings:
    Re-Authoring: Some Answers to Commonly Asked Questions, by Shona Russell and Maggie Carey, from Narrative Therapy: Responding to Your Questions(this book presents the clearest and simplest explanations of narrative therapy techniques, though it does not really give an overview)
    The Organization of Experience, by Ron Kurtz, chapter 1 of Body-Centered Psychotherapy: The Hakomi Method (distinguishes mere talking, from having experiences, from studying how experience is organized, where the third task is our primary concern as counselors)
    Why the Nightingale Sings at Night, by John Crowley, from Novelty (a beautiful short story about the power of words and ideas)
    A Brief Overview, by Steve de Shazer and Yvonne Dolan, et al., chapter 1 of More Than Miracles: The State of the Art of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (in this weekend, we delve deeper than mere advice giving and problem solving; if you want to solve problems, however, this is the way to do it!)
    Creating Identity, by Milton Erickson and Ernest Rossi, chapter 10 of Hypnotherapy: an Exploratory Casebook (read this last, if at all; challenging article, mostly because you have to make it through a bunch of jargon related to hypnotic induction – about how Erickson constructed a new personal history for one of his clients; the malleability of memory!
    Suggested Movie:
    Groundhog Day

  • Weekend 3 – Improvisation 

    Counselors are constantly being faced with the question, “What do I do now?”.  To answer this question well, you’ll need to have many different tools at your disposal and you’ll need to know something about the art of improvisation and how to think on your feet.  That’s exactly what you’ll learn this weekend.

    We take counseling outside the box and teach you many different ways to go beyond the model of counselor and client as two talking heads.  We will utilize a wide range of interventions: following the process, creative problem solving, asking directive questions, working with feelings, movement, and body sensations, mirroring, using humor, shifting contexts, using touch, etc. Improvisation is helped by having many tools and tricks (in this case, kinds of interventions). But even without a substantial toolkit, paying attention and thinking flexibly (which are both learnable skills), can make you an accomplished improviser in the medium of counseling. In addition, we will practice tracking the flow of a session, recognizing feedback, backtracking, and rerouting as we go.

    Key Concepts
    Improvisation, Authentic Movement, Intervention, Tracking, Following, Feedback
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    Riding the Horse Backward: Process Work in Theory and Practice, by Arnold and Amy Mindell (easy book; transcript of an intro to Process Work workshop; highly recommended)
    Improv Wisdom: Don’t Prepare, Just Show Up, by Patricia Ryan Madson (easy book; elegantly lays out basic principles of everyday improvisation – for instance: “say yes”, “start anywhere”, “be average”, and “make mistakes, please”)
    De Bono’s Thinking Course, by Edward de Bono (easy, yet challenging, can be read non-linearly; a large toolkit for creative approaches to problems)
    Short Readings:
    More Open Seat, by Arnold Mindell, chapter 9 of Riding the Horse Backward (easy chapter, a transcript of Mindell working with two workshop participants using proprioception and movement)
    Dreambodywork Verbatim, by Arnold Mindell, chapter 10 of Working with the Dreaming Body (easy chapter, a transcript, with commentary, of Mindell working with a workshop participant on body symptoms using physical interventions)
    Freedom, by Stephen Nachmanovitch (medium easy article, a commentary on another article by psychoanalyst Philip Ringstrom about improvisation in therapy)
    Suggested Movie:
    Yes Man
    Additional Books:
    Offering from the Conscious Body: The Discipline of Authentic Movement, by Janet Adler (easy book, beautifully written; while ostensibly about Authentic Movement as a practice, it is also about the practice of tracking a process while the process is happening, a needed practice in counseling)
    Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art, by Stephen Nachmanovitch (easy book; great if creativity and improvisation are important to how you want to work with people)

  • Weekend 4 – Love & Shame

    The fundamental human experience of shame has long been “the ignored emotion.” Ashamed of shame itself, we tend not to examine or discuss it. As counselors, shame can prevent us from being authentic with our clients and from allowing ourselves to fully love and be loved by them. It can cause us to ‘fake it’ or pose as experts. Understanding shame (our own and others’) will help us to create safety for our clients (one of our most important jobs) and remove obstacles to connection.

    We will practice coming from a place of nakedness, honesty, and transparency, which is only possible when we understand and know how to metabolize shame. We will examine the defensive strategies we have created to protect ourselves from shame, and work with sources of “resistance” in ourself that prevent us from showing ourselves and loving more fully.

    Key Concepts
    Affect Theory, Shame, Compass of Shame, Radical Honesty, Creating Safety, Loving More Boldly,
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth, by Brad Blanton (mostly easy book; you could read just the first five chapters, or skip the beginning and start with chapter four)
    Trusting You Are Loved: Practices for Partnership, by Lew Epstein (easy book, and the best book on relationships I know)
    Shame and Pride: Affect, Sex, and the Birth of the Self, by Donald L. Nathanson (challenging book; if you try it and are intimidated, know that it will be summarized in class)
    Short Readings:
    The Compass of Shame, by Donald L. Nathanson, chapter 10 of Shame and Pride (challenging chapter, in part because it is difficult to jump into the middle of the book – for the purpose of understanding the chapter, feel free to replace the word ‘affect’ with the word ’emotion’ if affect is not meaningful to you – we will be discussing the compass of shame in class)
    Levels of Telling the Truth, by Brad Blanton, chapter 4 of Radical Honesty (easy chapter presenting a challenging notion of what honesty could be in the absence of shame)
    Trusting You Are Loved, by Lew Epstein, chapter 2.1 of Trusting You Are Loved (easy chapter, defines the core concept of the book. This and the chapter below are from a section on practices for partnership.)
    Creating Safety, by Lew Epstein, chapter 2.6 of Trusting You Are Loved (easy chapter)
    Suggested Movie:
    Rachel Getting Married

  • Weekend 5 – Healing Old Hurts

    Hurts happen! Painful experiences are a part of being alive. In contrast, the ongoing suffering that can follow painful experiences is not a necessary part of life. As counselors, we need to be able to be with people with their pain, and to help them learn to metabolize it by releasing, expressing, containing, diffusing, or redirecting it. We will learn some powerful approaches to helping people heal from hurts that occurred in the past by giving them access to resources which they have now but did not have when they were being hurt.

    In addition to working with shock trauma and more minor trauma-like incidents, we will work on grief, fear, and other strong emotions. We will also learn to untangle the complexities of “suffering” beyond basic emotion, such as what occurs when we experience jealousy, guilt, or despair.

    Key Concepts
    Hurts, Healing, Discharge, Restimulation, Fear, Anger, Grief, Containment, Trauma, Dissociation, Felt Sense, Deconstructing Suffering
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    The Human Side of Human Beings: The Theory of Re-evaluation Counseling, by Harvey Jackins (easy and succinct book)
    Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences, by Peter A. Levine (relatively easy book)
    Short Reading:
    Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: One Method for Processing Traumatic Memory, by Pat Ogden and Kekuni Minton (challenging article)
    Suggested Movie:
    Good Will Hunting

  • Weekend 6 – Developing New Resources

    Most of the capabilities that we now possess and take for granted were acquired through long, persistent effort when we were younger. Alongside the abilities we now possess, we may not recognize the capacities and resources we are still missing, never having successfully learned them. And even when we have all the basic capacities of a “fully functioning adult,” there are yet further frontiers in our ongoing growth and development.

    This weekend will be devoted to understanding the many processes involved in learning and development, and sorting out those which lead us to become more flexible from those which leave us less flexible. We will learn how to recognize missing resources in our clients and how then to help them gain those resources through teaching, skill-building, and reparenting.

    Key Concepts
    Reparenting, Development, Resources, Somatic Resources, Boundaries, Needs, Impulses
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    Body, Breath, and Consciousness: A Somatics Anthology, by Ian Macnaughton, ed. (This book is the best resource for learning about Bodynamics, a body-oriented approach to developmental work. While other chapters are also worthwhile, the interviews with Lisbeth Marcher and other explanations of Bodynamics are the reason this book is on our list.)
    Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, by Marshall Rosenberg (easy and important book, included under reparenting both because it helps people acquire new resources (about how to communicate)
    Between Therapist and Client: The New Relationship, by Michael Kahn (medium easy, well-written book about the history of the concept of transference and how best to make use of it – there are important parallels between the notions of reparenting and that of transference)
    Short Readings:
    Bodynamics Developmental Stage Visualizations, by Theresa Beldon (a work in progress, this accessible series of visualization exercises does a better job than Stern’s Diary of a Baby of bringing you into the experience of being at various early developmental stages)
    Individuation, Mutual Connection, and the Body’s Resources: an Interview with Lisbeth Marcher, by Peter Bernhard, from Embodying the Mind & Minding the Body, edited by Ian Macnaughton (medium easy article about the somatic approach to developmental work
    The New Relationship, by Michael Kahn, from Between Therapist and Client: The New Relationsip (final chapter from the book, an easy read that summarizes the key conclusions of this wonderful little book about transference)
    Suggested Movie:
    Antwone Fisher

  • Weekend 7 – Deconstructing Limiting Beliefs

    Through mundane and systematic processes of reward, punishment, repetition, and reinforcement, we have, over the course of our lives, been conditioned. We are conditioned to make assumptions about our natures and about our limitations which we don’t know are assumptions. Aspects of our world-views which are invisible to us can be illuminated through processes of witnessing and inquiry.

    Because counseling is about creating change in our lives, we need to make visible the unconscious routines and choices which compose our days. Ultimately this means altering the content of our days, our activities, our relationship to the external world. An interesting question to consider as we decondition ourselves: What would you be like if you were free to be your whole, true self? During this weekend, we will deconstruct some of our unconscious assumptions and then take a crack at defining our authentic selves beyond our conditioning.

    Key Concepts
    Conditioning, Social Construction, Deconstruction, Inquiry, Witnessing, Conscious Practice, Authentic Self
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason, by Alfie Kohn (easy book; outlines many of the subtle, day-to-day ways that well meaning parents condition their children; helpful for understanding what conditioning is like in humans and for imagining alternatives; while a fabulous book for parents, it is also helpful for counselors doing reparenting with clients)
    Freedom From the Known, by Jiddu Krishnamurti (easy book; a spiritual approach to inquiry)
    Loving What Is, by Byron Katie (easy book; a deconstructive approach to inquiry that teaches people not to believe their own (conditioned) thoughts)
    Short Readings:
    Why Men Are So Obsessed with Sex, by Steve Bearman, from Male Lust: Pleasure, Power, and Transformation, edited by Kerwin Kay, Jill Nagle, and Baruch Gold (easy article by the founder of Interchange on male gender role conditioning)
    Loving What Is: The Little Book, by Byron Katie (this brilliantly distilled version of Loving What Is contains everything you need to practice Byron Katie style inquiry)
    The Freedom of Discipline, by Donna Farhi, chapter 7 of Bringing Yoga to Life (easy chapter which brings some elements from the weekends on Metabolizing Emotions and Reparenting into this weekend’s work on Deconditioning and conscious practice)
    Suggested Movie:
    The Hours
    Additional Book:
    Meditation: The First and Last Freedom, by Osho (easy book; a practical guide to meditation, accessible instructions to a wide range of meditative practices from many traditions)

  • Weekend 8 – Overcoming Oppression

    We have all grown up within social structures that divide us on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, age, economic class, sexual orientation, and any other discernable difference between people. In order to maintain these divisions, and the inequality that goes with them, the oppressive societies in which we live have evolved mechanisms for robbing people of their sense of power, and for keeping groups of people segregated from one another.

    This weekend, we will begin by claiming membership within our social identity groups and looking at the ways we have learned to occupy the roles of victim and/or oppressor within the oppressions that accompany each group. We then have two primary tasks facing us. The first is to reclaim the power we have lost access to, power that we need both to live the lives we most want and to create change in our communities and institutions. The second is to learn how to become effective allies for members of our own groups, people in groups that are the targets of oppression, and people in groups that are the agents of oppression. Finally, we will touch upon the construction of “mental illness” and the relevance of mental health oppression to our work as counselors.

    Key Concepts
    Social Identities, Oppression, Internalized Oppression, Reclaiming Power, Being an Ally, Leadership, Mental Health Oppression
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    Overcoming Our Racism: The Journey to Liberation, by Derald Wing Sue (easy book; elegant ways of framing the problem of how to teach about racism and make White people into allies)
    Silent Voices: People with Mental Disorders on the Street, by Robert Okin(easy book; a deep exploration of how to become an ally for a members of a group we all learn to make into “others”, reclaiming them as our people too)
    We’ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy and the World’s Getting Worse, by James Hillman and Michael Ventura (an easy and engaging series of conversations between the authors)
    Short Readings:
    Girls, Women, and Internalized Sexism, by Steve Bearman and Marielle Amrhein, from Internalized Oppression: The Psychology of Marginalized Groups, edited by E.J.R. David (an accessible chapter by the founder of Interchange on internalized sexism, its various forms, and some potential antidotes)
    Oppression, by Harvey Jackins (a relatively easy, engaging treatment of oppression and internalized oppression)
    White Privilege and Male Privilege, by Peggy McIntosh (easy article unpacking the concept of privilege – mostly about White privilege; for more on male privilege, check out The Male Privilege Checklist, by B. Deutsch)
    Suggested Movies:
    Crash (2004)
    The Joy Luck Club
    Additional Books:
    Counseling the Culturally Diverse: Theory and Practice, by Derald Wing Sue & David Sue (medium challenging book; the key reference about multicultural counseling – includes both important ways to think about social identity in general, as well as chapters on working with people from a wide range of different ethnic groups and other oppressed groups)
    The Leader as Martial Artist, by Arnold Mindell (relatively easy book)

  • Weekend 9 – Integration

    Rather than bring any new content to the table, this weekend will be concerned with integrating what we have already done. We will consider how to identify the core concerns that our clients are facing and learn how to address them strategically. We will come up with our own core counseling concern and spend the weekend working on it in various way.  We will practice strategizing about how to work with someone given what we know about the issue they have identified and what we know about them as an individual. We will also practice creating big change in small amounts of time for our clients. Keeping thinking as counselors, and eventually balancing strategic thinking with responding to in-the-moment feedback, will be our goal for the weekend.

    Key Concepts
    Core Concerns, Strategizing, Techniques, Approaches
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    What You Can Change and What You Can’t, by Martin Seligman (a fairly easy book which discusses a range of concerns that people bring to counselors. For each concern, it discusses, based on research, some approaches known to be helpful and some known not to help. It underlines the importance of being flexible as a counselor: different approaches for different concerns.)
    Suggested Movie:
    Lars and the Real Girl
    Additional Book:
    Favorite Counseling And Therapy Techniques: 51 Therapists Share Their Most Creative Strategies, by Howard Rosenthal (like his homework assignments book, this collection distills the power of many therapeutic approaches into specific techniques that embody the approaches; a great resource for keeping your thinking flexible and creative)

  • Weekend 10 – Finding Your Style

    What distinguishes you as a counselor? What is your unique style? Are you more of a shaman, or an anthropologist, or a surrogate parent, etc? Now that we have been working together for the better part of a year, you will know some things about who you are as a counselor. We will use this time to recognize our unique characteristics as counselors and the approaches and perspectives we use that make our counseling effective.

    In addition to clarifying what “metaskills” we naturally possess, we will identify those which have required conscious effort on our parts to cultivate, and those which are as yet unexplored. This weekend will allow us to bring together everything that we’ve learned throughout the course of our year together, and to discover and decide the next steps in our journeys as counselors.

    Key Concepts
    Counseling Styles, Metaskills
    Reading List
    Suggested Books:
    Metaskills: The Spiritual Art of Therapy, by Amy Mindell (easy book; It offers a way to think about the fundamental approach that guides your counseling.)

High-Quality, Weekly Peer Counseling

Transform Your Counseling, Transform Your Life

After each immersive weekend, you will continue developing yourself as a counselor by doing weekly sessions with your fellow students. Each person takes a turn being the counselor and being the client. These sessions are a place to ground the skills you’ve learned over the weekend in practice, to receive feedback on your counseling, and to get experience working with a diverse range of people on a wide range of issues. It’s also a chance for you to get free, weekly counseling sessions, where you can work on getting free from the things that hold you back in your life, healing old hurts, developing new resources, or whatever your present concerns are.

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Monthly Skills Lab

Practice Makes Perfect

Our optional Monthly Skills Labs will include a content review of the key take-aways from the previous weekend, counseling demonstrations, experiential exercises, plus a chance to hone your counseling skills and practice in a safe and supportive environment. These in-between sessions are a chance to ground the skills your learning in practice, and get to know the material better. You’ll be able to receive feedback from our Leadership Team and get any questions you have answered.


In-depth Business and Marketing Training

Build Your Own Successful Counseling or Coaching Practice

Our optional, 6-part evening tele-seminar series that will teach you everything you need to know about developing your own practice and getting clients. You’ll learn:

  • How to Create Clients
  • How to Talk About Money
  • How to Use Online Marketing Effectively
  • How to Create, Lead and Market Awesome Workshops
  • How to Talk About What You Do

All Business and Marketing Training calls will be recorded for those who can’t make it. As a graduate, you’ll get lifetime access to our Business & Marketing training. You can retake it anytime.

All Supporting Books and Materials

Receive a big stack of our favorite life-changing books

During the first weekend of the training we give you a tote bag filled with all of the materials and most important books you’ll need for the training. None of the readings are required, though some will be referred to during classes. The reading list provided each weekend is optional, and provided for those who like to learn through reading. Not all the books we give away are explicitly about counseling, though all have something important to offer the counselor.


Community Nights

Find Your Tribe

Imagine stepping into a room full of people like you, people who have come together to support each other, to learn how to support others, and to grow, people who are ready to get real and dive deep. Imagine these people quickly becoming friends and family. The kind of community that forms around Interchange is something few people get to experience.

Saturday nights, after the Interchange curriculum ends, we change the space around and let those who want to stay, enjoy social time with their fellow students.

Interchange 2105-2106

Online and Offline Support

Private Online Forum and Progress Tracker

You’ll get access to a private online forum to connect with members of your class and past Interchange classes. Share successes; get support; collaborate to become more powerful counselors. You’ll also get access to an online tracking system where you’ll log your sessions, give and receive feedback and track your counseling development over the course of the year.

Want to learn more?

Schedule a call with an Admissions Counselor today!

The Advanced Track

Interchange offers an Advanced Track for students who want to take their counseling and their personal growth to the next level with an additional day of training in a smaller group context.

A Full, Extra Day of Training

Kick Your Learning and Transformation Into Overdrive

On the Monday following the core training weekend, Advanced Track students will join Steve Bearman, Ph.D. for another extra day of training.  For students who want to accelerate their development as counselors, the Advanced Track adds another dimension to the core training. Are you ready, this year, to begin a private practice as a counselor or coach? Are you already working in the field, and ready to really up your game? Do you want to take your personal growth to an even deeper level? The Interchange Advanced track may be for you.

More Advanced Material in a Smaller Group Setting

The Advanced Track will be limited to 60 students and taught exclusively by Steve Bearman. Steve will introduce more advanced material, and take you on a dive deeper into the weekend’s theme, allowing more time for counseling practice, feedback and individual attention. You can expect to further develop yourself in our key counseling competency areas: Presence, Empathy, Wisdom, Creativity, Leadership, and Efficacy.

Monthly Office Hours

Each month we’ll host a 1 1/2 hour Office Hours call with Steve Bearman, for Advanced Track students only. It’s an opportunity to ask Steve any questions you have about the class content, your counseling or material you’re working on in your personal growth.

  • Testimonial

    Interchange is one of the most important trainings I took on my journey to become a successful coach, as well as a happy, fulfilled human being.

    It helped me trust my instincts, follow my heart and believe more fully in the possibility of healing and transformation for myself and my clients.
    Ryan Eliason, MASTER COACH
  • Testimonial

    I've never understood myself and others more than I do right now.

    Each month of the training my ability to connect with all types of people grew by leaps and bounds.

Your Interchange Investment by the Numbers

It's important that you know the full value of Interchange top to bottom. Here's a breakdown of the cost vs. the value of everything you'll receive with the Core Curriculum and the Advanced Track.

Training Cost

Your total amount will vary depending upon the course track you choose, and the scholarships and discounts you qualify for.

Core Curriculum


  • 20 Dynamic Training Days
  • 10 Books and Other Supporting Materials
  • Monthly Skills Lab
  • 6 Business and Marketing Seminars
  • Unlimited Community

Advanced Track


  • Includes Everything in Core Curriculum
  • 10 Extra Days of Advanced Training
  • 10 Office Hour Calls with Steve

Discounts & Scholarships

We offer a variety of discounts and scholarships to help reduce tuition cost.
Click on the tabs below and read the descriptions to find out if you qualify.

Pay your tuition in full before October 1, 2017

& receive $250 off your tuition balance.

Apply before July 31, 2017

& receive $500 off your tuition balance.

Graduates of Interchange’s Core Curriculum

receive $1,000 off their tuition.

At the time of enrollment, if you are 25 or under,

you will receive $500 off your tuition.

If you identify as a person of color

you receive $500 off your Interchange tuition.

If you work primarily in a field of Social Justice

you receive $500 off your Interchange tuition.

We offer the option of paying for the training in 10 or 20 monthly installments.

Training Value

This is a non-inflated, up-to-date estimate of Interchange’s overall value.

Business and Marketing Training: $2,000

12-hour, 6-week Business and Marketing Training led by Margo Brockman, Interchange Co-owner and Marketing Lead. Comparison: Multi-week business and marketing training courses run anywhere from 2,000 to 12,000. Individual business and marketing consulting fees typically run between $250 and $500 an hour.

Core Curriculum: $10,000

Interchange’s core curriculum has been refined and developed over 10 years with the investment of hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop into a simple format that produces results. Comparison: Tuition for traditional graduate-level study in Counseling runs between $4,500 and $10,000 per semester.

Advanced Track + Office Hours: $4,000

An extra day to dive deeper into the weekend material, and integrate with a small group. 10 Office Hour calls with Steve to stay engaged, inspired, and get your questions answered.

Weekly Counseling Sessions: $4,000

40 co-counseling sessions over the course of 10 months. Comparison: average counseling/coaching rates typically run between $100 – $150 an hour 

Skills Labs $2,000

Small-group, specialized attention on specific counseling skills. The skills lab are taught by experienced counselors and faculty.

Value vs. Cost

Core Curriculum

$18,000 $6,400

Advanced Track

$22,000 $8,800
Tracey Knapp
Tracey KnappMarketing Manager
I know I could reach out to anyone from the program and I would find the love and support we all need in difficult times.
Lori Goldman
Lori GoldmanMFT | Marriage and Family Therapist
Interchange empowered me as a therapist, adding freedom, creativity and joy to the process of helping people.
David Reinsma
David ReinsmaPresident, Principal Geologist at Trinity Source Group, Inc
I'm a better human because of going through this process - I think everybody should get a chance to take Interchange.
Trevor Williams
Trevor WilliamsCounselor
I experienced so much love, joy, and growth throughout Interchange, and the experiences have rippled through my life.
Rivka Leah Jade
Rivka Leah JadeYoga Teacher
Steve is an inspired leader, a heart-felt and gifted, brilliant and loving human being.
Robert Okin, MD
Robert Okin, MDUCSF Professor of Clinical Psychiatry
Interchange has given me a sense of calmness and an ability to be more true to who I am.

Why Choose Interchange?

Interchange is more than a counseling training and it’s more than a personal growth workshop. It’s an education that will transform your life.

Interchange is a vehicle, transporting you from the person you are now, to the person you wish to become.

We’ve spent the last 20 years researching the vast counseling landscape, and the last 13 years developing and teaching our course curriculum. We pull from the most effective counseling modalities and teach you how to apply the essence of each one in a way that is unique to you. More than that, we help you build your how-to-be-human toolkit.

This course will challenge you to take risks, to get real, and encourage you to make a lasting positive impact on the world and people around you.

We bring together a diverse group of people with a vast range of life experiences. Our students are CEO’s, teachers, parents, software developers, structural engineers, body-workers, lawyers, healers, psychology professors, nurses, practicing therapists, aspiring coaches & counselors and more.

Whether you’re a beginner, or an advanced practitioner, our curriculum is designed to meet you where you’re at, and take you further than you imagined you could go.

Ready to Dive In?

  • You’re invited to take risks.

  • Fully explore and express who you are in this world. 

  • Discover answers to your unanswerable questions. 

  • Reclaim power you have lost or been denied.

  • Uncover deep reservoirs of courage.

  • Trust your ability to make a profound difference for someone.

  • Deepen and transform all relationships in your life.

  • Acquire new resources and capacities.

  • Be seen for who you are.

  • Challenge beliefs and assumptions that limit you.

  • Learn to trust.

  • Your skepticism, your cynicism, and your doubt are welcomed.

  • Heal deep hurts from the past.

  • Permission to be a beginner, to not know, to fail.

  • Learn to love and be loved at a surprising depth.

  • Experience belonging.



What if I have to miss a weekend (or two)?
It’s not uncommon for students to miss some days of the training. Audio recordings of the training can be obtained for the days that you miss, so you can get caught up on the content. You can also attend our Monthly Skills Lab where we’ll review the content taught over the weekend and give you an additional chance to practice working with material. We also recommend that you schedule makeup counseling swap sessions in between the missed weekend as well as get notes from other students in the class.
What's included in the tuition?
Your tuition covers everything you’ll need to participate in the training.

  • 10 full weekends of Counseling and Coaching Training
  • All of your books and materials
  • Certification upon successful completion of the training
  • A 6-part Business & Marketing Teleseminar Training (this is optional to attend)
  • Weekly peer-counseling sessions
  • Monthly Community Nights
  • Monthly Skills Labs
  • An active and supportive online forum and a private Interchange Student website. Even parking at the venue where we hold the training is free!

The Advanced Track is the only optional additional investment you may choose to make.

Can I pay my tuition off over time?
Yes. We offer a 10-Installment Payment Plan, which allows you to space your payments out over the year of training. Tuition payments can be as low as $250 per month

If you’d like to speak with an Admissions Counselor about tuition costs and payment plan options, you can set up a Tuition Consultation Call.

What skills will I learn?
The counseling you’ll learn will go far beyond the basics of learning to provide support or helping people to solve problems. You’ll learn about how to help people in fulfilling all of their extraordinary capacities and embodying their whole, unique selves.

  • Over the course of the year, you’ll develop Counseling Competencies in 6 key areas:
  • Presence: ease, realness, availability, accurate listening, high-quality attention
  • Empathy: warmth, attunement, understanding, compassion, safety, lovingness
  • Wisdom: depth, insight, wide perspective, pattern recognition, influential reframing
  • Creativity: immediacy, energy, playfulness, risk-taking, tailor-made interventions
  • Leadership: intentionality, inner authority, direction, candor, discernment, tenacity
  • Effectiveness: strategic interventions, goal-orientation, results, lasting impact
Will you be offering this training again soon?
No, the training happens only once a year and we sell out each year, so if you feel like Interchange is a fit for you don’t wait to apply. Call us at 866-936-5556 today.
What is the Interchange experience like?
The best way to get a sense for Interchange is to hear what it’s like directly from our Graduates. You can check out what they have to say here: Grads Talk About Interchange.
Is the tuition refundable?
If life circumstances prevent you for joining us after you apply. You can receive a full refund, minus the $500 Deposit, so long as you let us know 30 days or more before the training starts.
Is there a way to reduce the tuition cost?
Yes. We have a few discounts and scholarships that we make available:

  • Students who register early (before July 25th) receive $500 tuition discount
  • Students who pay their tuition in full receive a $250 tuition discount (those who don’t can take advantage of our Monthly Installment Payment Plan)
  • People of Color and people Age 25 and Under both receive a $500 scholarship
  • Students traveling in from Out of State receive a $250 discount (and free housing with local students)
  • Students who refer another student to the training who enrolls and completes Interchange, receive a $500 referral bonus
Is this program only for people who want to become Coaches or Counselors?
No, it’s not. Interchange attracts a diverse group of people with a vast range of life experiences and motivations for being there. Our students are CEOs, teachers, parents, developers, body-workers, healers, nurses, practicing therapists and coaches, as well as aspiring counselors.

The commonality we see in students who find their way to Interchange is that they tend to be seeking something they have heard Interchange can offer:
• A way to truly help people and be of services to the world
• A chance to transform into who they are meant to be
• A deeply bonded and supportive community where they belong